

The Americano cocktail is a classic and refreshing aperitif that originated in Italy. It is traditionally served in a tall Collins glass, allowing you to fully appreciate its vibrant colors and enticing flavors. The Americano embodies a perfect balance of bitter, sweet, and citrusy notes, making it a delightful choice for those seeking a lighter and more approachable cocktail. With its iconic combination of Campari, sweet vermouth, and soda water, the Americano is a timeless classic that never fails to impress.

Glassware: Tall Collins glass Method: Built (prepared directly in the glass) Taste: Bitter, sweet, and citrusy IBA Category: Unofficial IBA cocktail


  • 1 ½ oz (45 ml) Campari
  • 1 ½ oz (45 ml) sweet vermouth
  • Splash of soda water
  • Ice cubes
  • Orange peel (for garnish)


The Whole Story

The Americano cocktail traces its roots back to the 1860s in Italy, where it gained popularity as a refreshing aperitif. Its name, "Americano," is said to have originated from American tourists who frequented Italian bars and preferred the lighter style of this cocktail.

To craft the perfect Americano, start by filling a tall Collins glass with ice cubes. Add 1 ½ ounces of Campari, a bitter Italian liqueur known for its vibrant red color and distinct flavor profile. Follow it up with 1 ½ ounces of sweet vermouth, which lends a delicate sweetness and depth to the drink. Give the mixture a gentle stir to combine the ingredients.

To complete the Americano, top it off with a splash of soda water, adding a subtle effervescence that lightens the cocktail and enhances its refreshing nature. Garnish the drink with a twist of orange peel, expressing the citrus oils over the surface to release their aromatic essence.

The Americano is meant to be savored slowly, allowing its complex flavors to unfold with each sip. Its bittersweet taste, intermingled with citrus notes and effervescence, awakens the palate and prepares it for the feast to come. Whether enjoyed as a prelude to a delightful meal or as a relaxing sip on a sunny afternoon, the Americano captures the essence of Italian elegance and is sure to transport you to the enchanting streets of Italy with every delightful sip.

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